Andreas Friedlein


“Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. View life as a continuous learning experience.”


Mr. Friedlein is born 1965, in Hanover; studied Law at the University of Heidelberg and Göttingen from 10/1988 to 07/1997; German First Legal Examination in 1997; Legal clerkship between 1997-2000 with stations at several renowned law firms.

Mr. Friedlein passed the German Second State Legal Examination in 2000. Mr. Friedlein also worked for Allianz and published a book in (Vermögensansprüche in den fünf neuen Bundesländer) 1992.

Our Attorney Friedlein is admitted to the bar since 2001 and works as an attorney for civil law, labour law/ employment law (the latter also as lieutenant colonel of the German Army Bundeswehr) since.

He is authorized to represent before all German district, regional and Higher Regional Courts.

Attorney-at-law for the law firm and partnership Horak Attorneys at Laws since 2018.


  • German
  • English
  • Latin

Specializations in German Law

  • General Civil Law
  • General Administrative Law
  • Labour Law/Service Law
  • Construction Law
  • Taxation Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • International Law
  • Anti-trust and merger Law
  • Technical law and IT law (including contract drafting)
  • Drafting of contracts with reference to the aforementioned focal points
  • Contractual Law
  • Legal proceedings relating to the aforementioned focal points